Do you know? You can apply subsidies on IT solutions!
Technology Voucher Program TVP 科技劵
During late 2016, the Innovation & Technology Commission launched the $500 million Technology Voucher Programme under the Innovation & Technology Fund.

Enterprises applying for funding under TVP must:
- Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310) (“BRO”) and with at least one year of substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.
- Fulfill the Government’s definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), i.e. manufacturing businesses employing fewer than 100 persons in Hong Kong; or non-manufacturing businesses employing fewer than 50 persons in Hong Kong, at the time of application of a TVP project.
- Operated on local business for at least one year.

Funding up to $200,000 for each eligible enterprise will be provided on a 2:1 matching basis. The applicant enterprise must contribute no less than one third of the total approved project cost in cash.


- 根據《商業登記條例》(第310章)在香港登記。
- 符合政府訂明的中小企定義,即在申請科技券計劃時,在本港僱用少於100人的製造業企業,或在本港僱用少於50人的非製造業企業。
- 在本港有實質業務運作最少一年,而該業務在提交申請時須與申請項目相關。

政府會以 2:1 的配對方式,向每家合資格中小企提供累計上限為 20 萬元的資助,有關的中小企則須投入不少於項目成本三分之一的資金。項目完成後,政府會向申請企業發放核准資助。

More information:
創新科技署 - 科技券計劃
香港政府新聞網 - 科技券計劃接受申請
Unwire - 科技券計劃今起接受申請 2:1 配對方式中小企最多可獲 20 萬資助

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Technology Voucher Program TVP 科技劵