TED Concepts EDM System

系統使用Amazon的電郵發送服務 因此傳送速度快,十分穩定,有能力一次過處理大量發送

Our system uses Amazon Simple Email Service, so it's fast, stable and able to handle high volume email traffic.
EDM System Amazon
EDM System Bulk Send
系統可以設定將要發送的所有收件人清單放入系統預設的CSV格式文件檔案 系統會跟據檔案設定大量發送電郵

To send emails to large number of recipients, you can put all recipients' emails to a CSV interface file. Our system will read the content of the file and send bulk emails.
簡單易用的介面使你可以輕易製作電郵內容 另外系統可以使用CSV格式文件檔案設定發出不同的電郵內容給每位收件人(例如電郵A顯示陳先生, 電郵B顯示李小姐...) 使收到電郵的人感到更加人性化/親切

Customize your own email content by our email content editor. It is simple and easy to use. You can create distinct content for each email recipient by configurating the CSV interface file. For example, email A can show 'Mr. Chan', email B can show 'Miss Lee', etc.
EDM System Interface File
EDM System Statistics
每次電郵發送工作 系統都會有詳細數據分析和紀錄 如多少個電郵發送成功/失敗,在系統的黑名單/取消訂閱名單,電郵格式錯誤,被投訴等 系統亦會紀錄發出的每封電郵是否成功被收件人收取以及是否已經被閱讀 收取和閱讀的時間都會一併紀錄 數據亦可篩選以及匯出到excel檔案作進一步分析

For each email job, there will be detailed statistics showing how many emails are successfully sent/failed to sent, in system blacklist/unsubscription list, invalid email format, complained by recipients, etc. Also, the delivered date time as well as read date time will also be recorded. All the statistics can be filtered and exported to an excel file for further analysis.

Freely schedule your email job at any specific date and time you like.
EDM System Schedule
EDM System Unsubscription
系統有取消訂閱功能(客戶可自行決定是否在電郵發送工作生成取消訂閱連結) 客戶的收件人可以按系統生成的連結取消訂閱客戶的推廣郵件 之後的電郵發送工作 系統將不會再發送電郵給已取消訂閱的收件人

System allows you to put a system generated unsubscription email link to the email content (You can choose NOT to put the unsubscription link). Recipients clicking the link will move into system unsubscription list. For any further email job, system will not send email to recipients in the unsubscription list.

System provides 500MB free space for you to upload images/files that will be used in your emails.
EDM System Free Upload Space
EDM System Technical Support
系統有詳細的使用說明書供客戶了解如何使用系統 如有需要 客戶亦可於辦公時間致電TED Concepts的技術支援詢問系統使用操作

Detailed user manual document can be downloaded from our system. If neccessary, you can call our technical support hotline during office hour for enquiry on how to use the system.

Clients that are currently using our EDM Service


One of the largest pet product shop in Hong Kong. Consume more than 20,000 EDM quotas per month.

靜缽瑜伽 JB Yoga

融合喜馬拉雅山頌缽與Sivananda Yoga傳統瑜伽理念,打造成別具一格的香港瑜伽派系,去實踐身、心、靈合一,從身到心,再由心到身,回歸內在核心的境界。